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2024 Caregiver Training - Fall & Winter
Due by 1/1/2025 


Review Caregiver Role & Expectations

While our clients' unique needs lead to vastly different work, our caregivers should be prepared for any situation that may come up.  Delivering quality service starts with knowing A Caregiver's Role & Expectations


Go through skills-based training topics

We have tried to provide useful, actionable training regarding situations we've seen our caregivers face frequently.  Please review these materials carefully as you will be quizzed on your understanding at the end.


Take the Quiz

In order to pass training, you need to get at least a 9 out of 10 on the quiz.  Once complete, your 6 training hours will be paid out by the February 13th paycheck. 

All training must be complete by 1/1/2025.

Review Caregiver Role & Expectations
(Section 1 of 3)

Skills Based Training Topics
(Section 2 of 3)

Caregiver Holidays

Holiday Support with Seniors

Happy Holidays! Some tips for caregivers who are prepping for the holidays for a senior loved one.


1 Hour

Flu Vaccines

Get Vaccinated!

What are the pros and cons of vaccines? What about this year's flu / COVID shots?


1 Hour

Senior Falls

Preventing Falls

Falls pose a huge risk for seniors. Learn how you can help with fall prevention.


1 Hour

Training Quiz
(Section 3 of 3)

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